Tideswell Running Club AGM 2014
Minutes of Meeting
1. Apologies
The following members sent their apologies:
– Jude Wildgoose
– Angela Foulkes
– Liam Ashton
– Philippa Hunstone
– Lesley Turner
2. Chairman’s Report
Ben welcomed members to the AGM and thanked them for getting involved and making the club what it is today. He spoke about the committee that was elected at last year’s AGM and explained that Pete Hawkins joined the committee later in the term as a non-role member. Ben also noted the huge success of the C25k program and the Inter Inns race. The club’s social activities were also mentioned as well as the club’s first ever club championships. He also commented on the impressive turnout at races from the runners and the fabulous TRC support team! Ben thanked George on behalf of Ashford Lane Garage for his support in sponsoring the Litton Christmas Cracker, the club’s first ever fell race, the “Litton Christmas Cracker”.
3. Club Secretary’s Report
Dan seconded what Ben had talked about and he thanked Sue for her hard work and help with getting the club champs up and running and for being “Acting Secretary” whilst Dan was getting settled into University.
4. Treasurer’s Report
Kathryn circulated details of the the club’s credits and debits from the last year. Due to the donation from Asford Lane Garage for the Litton Christmas Cracker and the higher number of C25K participants than expected, the club is in a relatively good position financially. Profits will be able to go towards coaching courses.
5. Election of New Committee
(a) Chairman
Ben Brindley re-stood as Chairman for 2014-15. Ben’s candidacy was proposed by Sue Jeff and seconded by Dan Allen, the position was unopposed.
(b) Club Secretary
Sue Jeff was elected as the new Club Secretary for 2014-15, in place of Dan Allen. Sue’s candidacy was proposed by Kathryn Brindley and seconded by Ben Brindley, the position was unopposed.
(c) Treasurer
Kathryn Brindley re-stood as Treasurer for 2014-15. Kathryn’s candidacy was proposed by Dan Allen and seconded by Nadeen Plumtree, the position was unopposed.
(d) IT Secretary
Phil Gregory was elected as the new IT Secretary for 2014-15, a new role. Phil’s candidacy was proposed by Nadeen Plumtree and seconded by Dan Allen, the position was unopposed.
(e) Kit Secretary
Ben and Kathryn Brindley were re-elected to share the responsibilities of Kit Secretary for 2013-14. Their candidacy was proposed by Beverley Shaw and seconded by Libs Slattery, the position was unopposed.
(f) Non-role Committee Member
Dan Allen and Andrew Watkins both stood for this position. Dan was proposed by Kathryn Brindley and seconded by Nadeen Plumtree. Andrew was proposed by Sue Jeff and seconded by Ben Brindley. This went to a member vote with a result of 5 votes for Dan and 17 votes for Andrew. Andrew Watkins was elected.
(g) Social Committee
The club proposed that members outside of the club committee organise the club’s social activities and outings. This was a very welcomed idea. Those who volunteered are Sue Pitman, Nadeen Plumtree, Beverley Shaw, Libs Slattery, Alison Birch and Liz Hill.
6. Club Fees
Kathryn explained to the club that England Athletics have increased their club fees. This year, we were charged a club affiliation fee of £75 plus £10 per member. For the coming year, the club affiliation fee is £100 plus £12 per member so to allow for this increase, we have agreed to increase our club fees to £20 for the full year and £15 for those who join after April 1st.
7. Run Planning and Run Leadership
Ben Brindley reiterated the importance of turn backs during club runs and that those who are at the front of the group are to run further back than the last person before turning round. If people are finding the run too slow then they should possibly be in the next group up.
Ben encouraged members to propose new routes and sessions, throughout the year, which the club could run. This could involve running in different areas near Tideswell, or having “away days” and run routes away from the village. Members also offered to lead runs.
8. Club Development
(a) Coaching Qualifications
Dan Allen has been keeping an eye on the current courses on offer and will inform members of suitable courses within reasonable travelling distance. It was also noted that the profit made within the club can go towards paying for somebody to gain one of these qulaifications.
(b) Club Representation at Local Races
The Club Championships were discussed and a meeting has been set up for 6th November at the Anchor Inn. The aim is to decide on 2 races per month (one road and one fell race). A new points system was explained by Sue Jeff who is going to co-ordinate the Club Championships.
(c) Club Kit
Members were asked to email the club if they wish to order any vests or hoodies. A few members expressed an interest in club t-shirts. Kathryn is looking into this.
9. Virgin London Marathon Club Place
The committee decided that the club place should go to somebody who entered the ballot but didn’t receive a place. Andy Flanagan and Paul Thorn were the only two members who entered and neither received a place. Andy has made alternative arrangements for a race so he was happy for Paul Thorn to receive the place.
10. Star Cup
The Star Cup was awarded to Kathryn Brindley for the organisational work that she puts in behind the scenes and the assistance in leading C25K and club runs. Also for her dedication with turning up for club runs each week.
Honourable mentions:
Ben Brindley
George Willingham
Sue Jeff
Nadeen Plumtree
Colette Holden
Nigel Jeff
11. Litton Christmas Cracker
Advertising of the race was mentioned through various mediums and locations including local newspapers, retail outlets and online. Nigel asked all members for cakes as prizes to be delivered to him the day before (Saturday 13th December!) so he could wrap them. Raffle prizes have also been asked for so please donate anything you can. Thank you! Thanks to Alison and Holdsworth for donation mince pies and also George and Ashford Lane Garage for the kind sponsorship. Liz Hill has also offered to assist with getting hold of road cones for the race.
12. Christmas Party
We settled on the venue of the Anchor Inn and the date of 11th December for the Christmas Party. It will be a hot buffet with pudding for £11.50 per head. We have use of the whole pub so partners can also be invited.
13. Any Other Business
Outdoors Outings
Colette mentioned bimonthly outdoors outings for the club. Suggested activities include climbing (in or out), high ropes (Go Ape or similar), kayaking/canoeing, ice-skating, gliding at Abney, Millers Dale abseiling, MTB, Pete’s navigation courses, etc etc. Some could be kiddy-friendly, others not. Colette offered to organise and look into different ideas and activities and let the club know.
Co-ordinator of Cross Country Championships
Sue Jeff has offered to organise and research everything regarding setting up teams for the Cross Country Champs. Colette Holden and Stuart Rook were asked if they would co-ordinate the mens and womens teams. They agreed.
C25K 2015
The date of 5th January was decided as the start of the C25K program. The proposed 5k date will be 4th April with the No Walk In The Park or a Parkrun suggested. Many of the members who completed the program earlier in the year have offered to assist with vaious roles during the C25K 2015 program. Volunteers can assist on a rota basis (a rota will be devised) so that the roles can be shared. Ben will lead the Monday sessions each week and will be the main point of contact. Phil Gregory has offered to assist with the online advertising of the program through social media.
Ben Brindley Thanked everybody for coming to the AGM and for their support over the last year.
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Minutes of AGM 2014